Lao Translation
innoword provides professional, fast, affordable Lao translations tailored to each client's needs.
innoword provides professional, fast, affordable Lao translations tailored to each client's needs.
Facts about Lao language
Lao is the official and most widely spoken language of Laos, a country in Southeast Asia. It is part of the Tai-Kadai language family, closely related to Thai. One of the distinctive features of Lao is its tonal nature, with six different tones. Accurate pronunciation of these tones is essential for conveying the correct meaning. Additionally, Lao has many borrowed words from Sanskrit, Chinese, and Thai, reflecting the influence of neighboring cultures.
Lao translation service
ISO certified language service provider
Hyodong Building, 17, Samseong-ro 75-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Vien Dong Building, 36 Hoang Cau, Hanoi, Vietnam